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Barrs Lane, North Nibley, Dursley, GL11 6DT

To promote and encourage the Spiritual, Physical and Social Welfare of the village and community.  To witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Helpers needed for Messy Church

Any ages, teenagers to grannies or grandads. Every other month. Saturday 10-12noon 9.30-12.30 for helpers. Finish with lunch for everyone. Contact Jill Stephens,

Medical Blister packs

We no longer have the opportunity to recycle so please do not bring any more and leave in the Chapel entrance, thank you. 

Borrow the Chapel fold up wheelchair

Contact this website to borrow the above wheelchair which has been kindly donated to the Chapel. in order to ensure that your message is seen, please get in touch as soon as you know you wish to borrow it. Thank you.


weekly Thursday event at 10am

Dancefit with Kelly, please ring her for details if you are interested. 07548129424.

film show!

Our first wednesday of the month film show!

Wednesday 5 February 2025, 1 p.m.

An interesting film about the only German occupied territory of the British Isles, during WW2 - the Channel Islands. A charming old fashioned period tale focusing on friendship, family and romance. 


Chapel service

monthly Service

Sunday 9 February 2025, 10 a.m.

Ian and sue Cook visit again to lead us. All are welcome to join this short and informal Service.

Community health Check at Coffee & Chat

Community health Check at Coffee & Chat

Wednesday 19 February 2025, 10 a.m. - noon

A great opportunity to speak confidentially to an NHS practitioner about any concerns you may have and also have some important checks along the way - all without the bother of making a GP appointment. Nurse/s from Gloucestershire NHS Trust will be here during Coffee & Chat (in a separate room), so please do pop along.

Regular Cafe Church Service

Regular Cafe Church Service

Sunday 23 February 2025, 1 p.m.

Joy Howell, a regular contributor to life at Barrs Lane joins us for Cafe Church this month. Please do feel welcome at this informal and friendly service.

NHS Gloucestershire falls Unit

Ann opportunity to have a fitness check from the NHS without the bother of making a GP appointment

Wednesday 5 March 2025, 11 a.m. - noon

Are you fit for your age? Try a functional fitness MOT (FFMOT) at the wednesday Coffee & Chat on the 29th of January between 11 and 12 noon. A Gloucestershire NHS professional will be along to put us through our paces (if you want - not obligatory!), with a variety of simple assessments that will give an idea of your current functional fitness, along with some advice and information. All are welcome.

Services at the Chapel

Worship at the Chapel will be held at 10a.m. on the second  Sunday of the month. 

Chapel services will usually last around 40 minutes and absolutely everyone is welcome.

Every Sunday – a recorded service is available on St Martin's website. It alternates between a service of the word with music, and a service of ‘ramblings’ with prayers and sometimes, music. Follow the link to St Martin's website below.

Coffee and Chat... and Craft

Friendly drop in every one welcome!

Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. - noon

Tales for Tots

These are Bible stories retold for little ones with a familiar song adapted to suit the story, and a short prayer. These can be found on the For Children page of St. Martin's website.

If you haven't yet seen the North Nibley Churches Together Harvest mice video written by Rosie Casken, follow the link to St. Martin's Church website below and then follow on to the blog!

St. Martin's Church

Details of joint events can be found on the St. Martin's Church website.